
Discover the fitter you . . .

Lorna Harkess - Personal Trainer

Lorna Harkess - providing personal training, nutrition and rehabilitation sessions based in Rugby, Warwickshire.

Remove barriers that are holding you back from achieving your goals and take control today. Training programs are produced to meet individual requirements, constantly changing to keep sessions interesting. Focusing not only on exercise and fitness but also nutrition and a having a healthy lifestyle for life!

Personal training sessions can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. Simple, straight forward, no hidden costs and no complicated offer packages! Included in these prices are tailored exercise routines, eating plans and motivational techniques to make sure you succeed to take control and live a healthier life.

Whether at home or at the gym, it’s personal. I make sure that my clients take control and live a healthier and happier life! – Lorna Harkess

A regular client of Lorna Harkess, Lauren Taylor has won the 2011 BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year Award!!!


07738 206542




07738 206542

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